This doesn’t fix it. Try re enabling it and lo and behold all the previous suggestions are back. Google never deletes anything.
This doesn’t fix it. Try re enabling it and lo and behold all the previous suggestions are back. Google never deletes anything.
Bro cops never do shit in cases like these. Get a gun and be careful out there.
Yeah posts getting easily 100K+ upvotes in hours, I’ll say over 70%
90% of products in amazon are just marked up temu products lmao
We’re all thinking it
Right, like a router can unencrypt and read what’s on the link. This is just IP blocks which will never work lol.
Watch out for the “video suggestions” in your home feed with the title “introducing ….” These are product placements they make even with the premium subscription. I HATE ads so I pulled the plug.
So far so good. The fuckers at youtube support acknowledged serving ads to me even with my premium membership, so they can suck a big fat dick.
I was happy to pay for youtube as a service until they broke the shit out of their algorithms and started shoving ads to my face in premium. Did a chargeback and got my money back. Fuck these monkeys.
That’s just like…your opinion, man.
God forbid people who are poor have access to food, water and entertainment
A lot of what is sold to consumers is straight up shite.
On a mobile device, the risk is rather low. Most hackers go for commonly used operating systems and spray their attacks at millions of machines. If you’re practicing good security hygiene, you should be fine, even though I’m a strong advocate for security updates. Updating is obviously better than not updating. So if budget isn’t an issue I’d say upgrade the device. 4a doesn’t get updates anymore.
Stop playing this overrated repetitive game.
Great! Now they can sell my grandma an HDMI cable in 50 installments!