•Anyone who is on 55MBps internet plans, how is the experience?English
20 days agoMake sure you’re not mixing up MBps and Mbps. Internet speed is almost always measured in megabits (Mbps) not megaBytes (MBps), the former being 1/8 of the equivalent megabytes per second.
55 megaBYTES per second is just fine, that’s a full HD movie download in about 3 minutes. 55 megaBITS would be about 24 minutes for the same thing. Would that matter to you? No idea. But if you’re currently at 100, everything would take about twice as long as before the switch regardless.
This may be true and if so, bravo for them! But China says shit ALL THE TIME that is totally untrue or has insane caveats. I’ll reserve my thoughts until the results are verified- both claims (power usage, and comparable performance/accuracy).