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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2024


  • If that model results in wormholes randomly opening up here and there, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to violate our current observations. What if the probability of a wormhole event is incredibly unlikely. You know, like a tennis ball tunneling through a solid wall sort of unlikely. Even if the probability is a lot higher, those wormholes could open up anywhere in the universe, which just so happens to be incredibly vast. Or what if the wormholes are absolutely tiny, and last only a nanosecond? There are lots of ways it could still be compatible with observations.

  • I just looked it up, and it seems like my intuition aligns pretty well with MWI.

    Anyway, the idea is that as you jump 100 years back, you enter a special timeline that isn’t exactly like the one you left. It’s mostly the same, but a time traveler visited at some point, which could radically alter the future of that timeline.

    So if you become your own grandmother, there’s no real paradox, since you and your grandchild are not the same person. You are from different timelines, you are different branches of the same tree. Time traveling doesn’t cause branching, since every branch already exists.

    A time machine can’t travel entirely freely to any branch, but since there are infinitely many branches you get the illusion of complete freedom. You can not jump to a timeline that doesn’t already have you jumping in it.

  • In 2006 the restriction did apply. The idea was that you would type the message on a computer, and let Twitter send a few SMS messages to a small group people.

    You weren’t supposed to have millions of followers or write a full length blog post using a hundred short messages. The idea was that you cold reach people quickly even though they didn’t have access to a proper computer or the internet. So much has changed in the past 18 years…