Good luck, man. Trump could pardon Hillary and his base wouldn’t give one shit. Sure, you’d get the “WOAH REPUBLICAN VOTERS FELL FOR IT AGAIN, LOOK AT THEM BEING UPSET ON TWITTER” articles and Twitter screenshots and shit, but outside those, like, six people, nobody’s going to really care. These folks voted for a dictator to come in and magically make everything better (for them specifically, fuck everyone else), there’s nothing, and I mean nothing, that can break the cult fever dream around him. Trump could literally institute unironic communism (which would be the funniest thing ever) and they’d go right along with it.
Do you really believe that? Nettanyahu has showed at every turn that he respects Biden about as much as some dog shit he stepped in. The Biden administration got rug pulled on peace/ceasefire talks by Israel, what, five times that we know of? And they just kept coming back, like Charlie Brown, convinced they surely wouldn’t yank the football away this time. I think that Nettanyahu doesn’t even consider Biden at all.