[…], as much it’s profane to picture Jesus fucking Peter in the ass.
Christians were upset and made a lot of noise about it, but didn’t kill or even beat up anyone:
[…], as much it’s profane to picture Jesus fucking Peter in the ass.
Christians were upset and made a lot of noise about it, but didn’t kill or even beat up anyone:
Bamse — världens starkaste björn!
Sorry, no, that’s not how it works, not at all.
If some of the people I work with knew how little time I spend thinking about them, some egos would be severely hurt.
I’ve recently started to like the sarcasm of Lisa Eckhart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXPKN_HfKQg
Then there’s that one nation…
Sure, but we forgive Italy just because they love the game so much, they can have their own strange name for it if they want.
Isn’t the UK in Europe though?
Of course, and both Canada and Mexico are in North America.
What is this referring to?
For mass produced chocolate with orange, Lindt Excellence Dark Orange Intense is by far the best I know.
xkcd has the chart for this: https://xkcd.com/1205/
“Will that be smoking or non smoking?” Asked as a restaurant
I was asked this at a café less than ten minutes ago now.
[…], particularly when end users tend to despise particularly greedy live service business models.
Have you considered making your business models … not particularly greedy?
After I had learned programming well enough to do it comfortably in a few different languages, the return on investment for reading most common programming books declined sharply and since then the only programming books I still read are of a very specific kind and the very best of those still remains The Practice of Programming by Kernighan & Pike which still remains a greatly educational and relevant book today, 25 years later: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Practice_of_Programming
20 November 1999 was the day I finally got my ISDN connection up and running, a huge improvement over dial-up at the time.
Batmobiles. Lots of companies sell Batmobile toys, no companies sell Batmobiles.