Its well defined IMO, but anti-communist propaganda intentionally spreads the wrong definition of it to make communists look scary.
Its well defined IMO, but anti-communist propaganda intentionally spreads the wrong definition of it to make communists look scary.
We need some community feedback on whether we should allow musk spam or not.
Upvote this comment if you think we should allow / keep musk spam.
Downvote this comment if you think we should remove it.
Welfare state / new deal policies will always be precarious, because they leave things as they are: with capitalists in control of the economy and thus the political system.
Not only that, but many of these global north welfare states, are funded via imperialism (usually with a tax on imports of goods produced by super-exploited workers in the global south), which means these social services are just being carried on the backs of the global poor. Just look at where H&M has most of their production facilities for example. Poorer capitalist countries (which are the vast majority of countries), aren’t able to fund much if any social services in that same way.
Some links:
I’m gonna download Green acres rn, thx.
No probs! Glad I could help.
This war has many fronts, and one is who owns and controls our social media platforms. US-capitalists own nearly all of the communications platforms worldwide, and use them to advertise to us, sell us pro-US lies, turn us and our data into products, and forward that data to their government to spy on the world. Reddit is (i think) the 5th most popular site worldwide, so this is one small way I can try to help reverse that trend, and allow people to create their own social media outside of US control.
For sure. I’m only just now finishing the first season, and maybe 3 episodes in it should qualify as some of the best films ever made. The acting, the psycological warfare, the poor schlubby wife-guy underdog vs evil rich parasite undertones pervading everything… there’s so much going on, that I’m sure others have scratched the surface of.
I also love how it inverts the mystery drama by showing you exactly what happened, and the suspense is in guessing where they messed up, and gave enough clues to columbo.
I submitted it to f-droid, but it takes a month or two to get up there. You can add the izzyondroid repo to your f-droid client if you want this, and updates to all other apps a lot faster.
I’d have to know what spec / standard they’re using, then it’d be possible.
Who does he work for? Why do 1 in 5 black men in the US spend some time in jail or prison? Why are US drug laws the way they are, that mostly are tools to lock up black men?
They seem to be go-fund-me’ing their coup attempts nowadays.
The only places the US is still having success is in the ME. They even lost their own hemisphere, they can’t even prevent leftists from getting elected in Mexico anymore.
I’m not using uhabits, this is a different app I just made. If there’s a JSON or CSV standard for habits and their history, I could probably add an import / export.
EDIT: Oh I see. No I just used one function from loop habit to help with streak calculations, and wanted to credit their codebase. Everything else is from scratch.
No probs! Hope it helps, and if there’s anything I can do to make it better, lmk.
There are many Brazilian comrades on that could help with materials in Portuguese, and I’m sure the PCB (partido comunista brasileiro) also has a good introductory reading list.
For a shorter english introduction, I maintain this crash course socialism that goes over the basics.
I know the answer is propaganda, but it’s astounding to me that so many people still cling to and identify with liberalism.
This is an ideology that was dealt its theoretical death blows by the late 1800s, when socialists correctly realized that it didn’t fix any of the problems it purported to fix. It didn’t bring liberty, equality, or fraternity, it just replaced feudal lords with industrial capitalists, gave even more power to the latter, and worsened the conditions of everyone living under these liberal regimes.
And its main ideologues were not subtle about their support for colonialism, the panopticon, prison and police states, unlimited freedom for capitalists, and pro-worker-exploitation.
It’s just boggling that something so bankrupt and immoral could have such support 100 years after it was shown bare-faced for what it was.
For sure. I was surprised that most of the habit apps out there aren’t focused on actually making new habits and ingraining them, but just tracking them. So I did a bunch of research on what works best, and am trying to apply that insight with this app.
For sure. I did a lot of research before making this, and one of the big takeaways was that you should never punish, or indicate that you messed up, for breaking streaks. Not only should it be expected, but punishing for breaking streaks also makes ppl less likely to start again.
Thx! I did add a way to hide streaks (or any of the other stats) from the home screen.
No web app, as this is written in native android.
As a dev, I think of the potentially years of work wasted on clients for corporate services who could pull the rug out from under you at any moment. Poof, years of labor in the trash.
I’ll never understand people writing apps / clients for them.
I’m just personally against musk spam because it’s giving him exactly what he wants, attention.
If we as a society could all collectively ignore him and his grifts, then in a few years ppl will go, “oh yeah I remember that guy, thank goodness we don’t have to see his face anymore”.