I once again come to inform that “the start of winter” changes depending on where you are.
So in you case that is just how it lines up, but where I live the winter starts October 14th.
I once again come to inform that “the start of winter” changes depending on where you are.
So in you case that is just how it lines up, but where I live the winter starts October 14th.
If all the ID consists of, then no it’s not.
As long as the part asking for ID trusts the part verifying the ID, there is no need for anonymity to be broken, since the verifier just has to confirm what the asking part needs to know.
Think of it like someone owns a bar and needs to know if a patron is old enough to drink, and the bar owners brother or best friend says “I know that guy, he is old enough”.
Wonder what their criteria for adding a country was.
If it was just all the highest, Norway should be on there with 76.3%
But like they wrote, that wasn’t known at the time.