I thought it was how you got rid of warts but I’m not actually sure. Maybe after they’re removed they get ground?
I thought it was how you got rid of warts but I’m not actually sure. Maybe after they’re removed they get ground?
But what if the two penises touch? And they like it?
More of a logic plague
His whole thing is procreation. Not happiness, not love, not companionship, just spreading his seed into as many women as possible. When you’re rich they let you do it. He got this idea from his dad. For his dad, some of those women were his stepdaughters…so there’s still time for Elon to get even grosser.
No what you do is rapidly freeze them and then use a little file to break them apart.
A fun non-lethal approach is to just try to sabotage their planes while they’re on the ground. Shooting a hole in the window of a flying aircraft, generally frowned upon. Shooting a hole in a billionaire’s sky yacht while it’s empty in it’s hangar…well that’s just property damage that happens to prevent them from poisoning the atmosphere.
Both answers are aquarius
Complaining about a loud irrelevant thing is different from not wanting it.
Paragraph one: agreed, Elon musk loves sex offenders and probably is one. Love this paragraph.
Paragraph two jumped the shark.
The federal government does or at least did have a decent in-house open source dev team (legally, work done by the us government has a copyright which belongs to the people, making it roughly open source). The us government is also filled with people who believe that any failure to extract profit is a failure at life, so the government also outsources a bunch of work to priv companies which do retain their copyrights, but it’s not required.
How do you think amber alerts work in general? The telecoms lease frequency from government, but they go through the corporate telephone system.
The problem here isn’t corporate or not, it’s a specific police department making decisions that don’t make sense, namely sending out data on a specific corpo platform without a legally binding agreement that this information will reach people.
In contrast, my county for example also contracts through a corporation, but that corporation is purpose built to provide municipalities with guaranteed (as much as this is possible) delivery.
He definitely didn’t do that in 1990, a lot of people are saying that was Glenn beck.
Mpc is literally designed to look like the media player from windows 98…just with actual functionality.
VLC doesn’t need to be new it needs to be good. How about a nice forward=next in folder backward=back in folder? How about a nice click-anywhere-to-pause. How about being able to move the video player around without grabbing exactly the right piece of chrome? What about sane fucking volume normalization instead of letting you accidentally crank the volume to 200%? These are all things mpc does right.
Given your description I’m assuming Linux. Mpc is one of the things I find impossible to replace on Linux because all of the options are VLC or yet-another-half-baked-mpv-wrapper authored by lickmydragonballz93 on GitHub. On the other hand VLC has the strong half-baked UI vibes that Linux is known for, so maybe you’re used to it?
Mpc is significantly better than VLC. Occasionally I need VLC to play a file but we’re now talking every 1-2 years. VLCs UI is baaad.
Even the supposed efficiency benefits of the nest basically come down to “if you leave the house and forget to turn the air down, we will do it for you automatically”
Oh you’re talking about enterprise scale mitm attacks on your own coworkers not the general case.
It was coverage, nobody was baffled by that part.
Hopefully all of them, since that’s how network security works
Honestly I can get behind three Xavier generations and all three dune generations having overlap. Feels right. Need to make this happen.
I would also accept Jason Momoa as Xavier. Better than fucking Aquaman.
Computers are really good at comparing two values, they have a dedicated circuit.