And Europe is not dominating that industry
And Europe is not dominating that industry
Yes, and as we all know, absolutely dominates the social media market.
I specifically wrote that in these areas other regions of the world are dominating. I’m well aware that there are some players from the EU in these areas. That’s not the point. Europe is not leading in any major development of the last 30 years while in other areas they lose market share to the competition like automotive or space (with the notable exception of aviation).
Let’s look at tech companies. Look at that list and tell me with a straight face that Europe is playing a dominant role:
Out of the 100 biggest companies, there are only 10 from the whole continent.
Doesn’t really count if you have to google it first to know what it is, that’s not what will save the European economy in the future. In the mean time other regions of the world dominate battery technology, battery-electric vehicles, handheld devices, social media, semiconductor technology, quantum computing, and basically the whole internet
EDIT: Europeans were definitely not ready to hear this one. LOL
Nah, your example is just shit and that the new world cannot hold a candle to us is fucking insane, y’all just re-elected Trump ffs. We definitely have a racism problem in European countries as well but our Trumpian party in Germany is currently polling at 19%, which is awful enough but to claim that it’s that much better in the US is fucking nuts. I’m in a multiracial marriage myself and while my wife experiences racism in Germany, it’s to a somewhat similar extent to the US
Tell me one big innovation of the last 30 years where Europe is leading
I still don’t get it. Why is a movie’s success with an anti-racist trope an indicator of racism?
Worst offender in my experience: the Dutch. I actually think their way of “seasoning” is to actively remove any natural flavour from the ingredients. They have the best Indonesian food outside South-East Asia though. Also, the Nordic Countries do a lot of things right, food is not one of them.
Also every “Mexican” food dish I’ve had in Europe has just been bad. Y’all are doing it wrong.
Yes, I read that a lot from Americans. I don’t think Europeans care much for Mexican food because there’s mostly no cultural connection to Mexico and no Mexican immigrants (Spain might be an exception). The rare Mexican restaurants you’ll find in Europe are there for the American soldiers stationed here. Basically, when in Europe, go for Arab, Asian, or African food if you don’t like the local food.
Basketball comes to mind as a pretty good spectator sport. But I agree for Baseball and American Football at least
I had to google it, undergrad dissertation apparently means bachelor thesis. It’s a joke to give a bachelor thesis the same name as a real dissertation.
First off: nobody will cite a bachelor thesis in a well regarded publication. In fact, even real dissertations will rarely be cited. They are not considered peer-reviewed. If you can write a paper based on your thesis and get it accepted at a journal or conference, that’s where you get citations. Usually, that requires a major overhaul of the thesis, though. This definitely requires a support network in the form of a research group. Look into what your university is researching and contact the research groups that look interesting to you.
Yes, I realized they are right but their original statement that the lens doesn’t matter is still wrong. I can’t crop without losing quality and uncropping only works in shitty movies
Okay, now I get what you’re saying and you’re absolutely correct. But from the perspective of the photographer, it doesn’t really matter. The motif you’re aiming for is fixed. What you then influence is distance and lens and lens I can directly read from my camera. If I shoot with a wide angle, I have to get closer to get the motif that I want, if I zoom in, I need to step back. So, yes, technically distance is what matters but the distance correlates with the lens I’m using. That’s why tips like “shoot portraits with 85 mm to get the most natural look” still make sense although you’re right
Okay, that’s simply untrue. Look into dolly zoom to see the difference in action
True but the point of using a different lens is that you move closer / father away from the objective. You get the best head shots from a distance with a telephoto lens. Not really practical for selfies of course.
Y2K was definitely not only fear-mongering. Windows Systems did not use Unix timestamps, many embedded systems didn’t either, COBOL didn’t either. So your explanation isn’t relevant to this problem specifically and these systems were absolutely affected by Y2K because they stored time differently. The reason we didn’t have a catastrophic event was the preventative actions taken.
Nowadays you’re right, there will be no Y10K problem mainly because storage is not an issue as it was in the 60s and 70s when the affected systems were designed. Back then every bit of storage was precious and therefore omitted when not necessary. Nowadays, there’s no issue even for embedded systems to set aside 64 bit for timekeeping which moves the problem to 292277026596-12-04 15:30:08 UTC (with one second precision) and by then we just add another bit to double the length or are dead because the sun exploded.
The foundation doesn’t create jobs