Fuck Nazi Sympathy - Aus-Rotten
Fuck Nazi Sympathy - Aus-Rotten
My city of only 20k people in Texas has a similar app. Not sure what’s going on in California
Texas allows underage people to drink if they are with their parent, guardian or spouse (if the spouse is 21). However, the establishment can still refuse to serve them. And in fact most places will refuse because the risks are just too high.
Thanks, that helps me understand it better. In my head I was comparing it to systems like apartheid. Which with apartheid there are clear economic benefits for the oppressors. Like cheap/slave labor and by having more opportunities than others. I’m not saying I agree with any of that, but I see why people would do it. But with the Taliban being such a part a patriarchal society to begin with, you would think at some point the oppression would have negative impacts on the oppressors. Of course, there I go trying to apply logic and reasoning for hatred and oppression.
I think the peacock comparison you made is perfect. I still can’t comprehend how anyone could belittle another person to make themselves feel better, but it tracks. Thanks for the great response.
Seriously, what is the point of trying to control women this way? Or really in any matter? I’ve never understood it. Are people really that scared and threatened by women? What is the end game for people who do things like this?
I recently set up a new GitHub account and it had the same crap. And you have to get 3 in a row correct. I got so frustrated and I was cursing enough that my wife came into my office to make sure I was okay.
It is amazing how toxic people on that site are. Especially when you consider it’s not anonymous and the people are literally in your neighborhood
Imagine not showing up to your job for 6 months and people just going, “hmmm, I wonder where they are.”
I love The Stanfields and For Whom The Bell Tolls is my all time favorite Metallica song. Want to be best friends?