Exactly how I see it and did it. Thanks for mentioning this.
Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist
I help people and build things that help people.
Check out our instance and our communities:
Exactly how I see it and did it. Thanks for mentioning this.
I only had to read like three or four sentences to arrive at the conclusion: yes, you should absolutely self host and you‘re already pretty far.
Depending on your location, I suggest you first visit your local hackspace, if that exists. I have had a similar journey and it took me years to arrive at my current state. Had I learned about „hacker communities“ earlier, I would have taken a very different and less stressful path.
You can check my personal setup at https://forge.giftedmc.com/haui/Setup
Thank you for chiming in. This is very good information. I would highly suggest you dump the stuff you found out in the fedi or link to a place so we can make as many people as possible buy stuff for cheap or at least have the smallest amounts of downstream hands and margin on it.
Okay thanks to everyone in this thread so far. This is very good info which may help a lot of folks in the future. :)
Thanks for the info. :)
Like wow. My family is insane in their own way but the stories in this thread are twisted. Yikes.
Someone mentioned leaded fuel. Makes sense. My guess would be additional burnout, undiagnosed mental issues and lack of education. At least thats the only way I can imagine this world being the way it is.
The most cruel part is the amount of gaslighting they deal out. I was told my whole life (not even youth but until my thirties) that I‘m overreacting while believing scientists.
I suggest searching for and joining international groups of likeminded people. Its what keeps me sane in this turmoil. Of course lemmy sometimes helps too.
Happy new year to those who celebrate it.
I mean I dont really take issue with the use my comments part. but I do take issue with the scraping part as there are apis for getting content which makes it a lot easier for my system but these bots really do it the stupidest way with many hundreds of requests per hour. Therefore I had to put in a system to find and ban them.
Never heard of that. Feel free to share info.
Plex is just really polished and kind of makes sharing with low tech friends easy imo. But switching to proper foss is on my list.
That would be neat as well. :) thanks for sharing.
As moderator of the community !anticorporate@lemmy.giftedmc.com I very much enjoy the leftist and anarchist stuff. Thanks for asking. ;)
Thank you so much! That is pretty much peak transparency right there.
I did try to look for some way to contact clevo but I cant get to their website for whatever reason.