Anything to distract and discredit the guy standing up for principals huh?
Anything to distract and discredit the guy standing up for principals huh?
Exercise will control your circadian rhythm, set your metabolism on a more consistent routine, and help you sleep better. Endurance based exercises are best; cycling, swimming, running, rowing, etc. You need 1 hour every 3 days at a minimum in my experience. Don’t think in terms of a week, just do it somewhere between daily and every 3 days no matter what. Even someone like me that has major chronic health problems from a broken neck and back manages to pull off this one. In fact, I fall apart and turn into a sleepless zombie if I fail to maintain my exercise routine. I’m likely one of the most sleep deprived people here. This works when nothing else does or is possible.
no one that cared had a voice or say in culture or society
HDMI is the proprietary monopoly scam. It is added to devices by the owning members of the scam. Display Port is the open source free equivalent standard that the educated consumer goes looking for.
Oh no, he was dumb, she was super into me then. He wasn’t consoling or anything but saying she was not pretty enough for me. I liked her for her depth and interests. He was a curiosity because he was into videography before YT, but had no depth beyond that one interest at the time. He had a misogynistic conquest like disposition that I do not share. At the time, this disposition was something I did not understand.
I really liked a girl, asked her out once when I was way too young. Had a friend tagging along. After, he said I could do better. The guy was an idiot, but the words had an impact on me at the time. I forget about her and moved on. I was super busy with a new business anyways.
Later, I started dating this other girl. Turns out she was best friends with the first. The three of us did everything together for years. I never did anything with the first, but found myself just as attached to both in a unique way. The first even dated a friend if mine for awhile. When I broke up with the second, me and the first dated for a short while, but I ended up moving out of state and things didn’t work out.
I was coping with the boredom in my own ways. That abstraction is one of the most valuable to me. The thoughts that streamed from staring out a window of a moving car are a big part of the base of the tree that became me. This is the mental structure that has kept me grounded through a decade of social isolation from physical disability and being forced to reinvent my sense of self nearly from scratch. It is how far back I had to go to redefine myself anew within the reality of my physical constraints. So while it may seem entirely mundane, I have been forced to reflect and redefine myself in ways most humans never confront.
There are many facets involved here, like how I am still able to talk about my past without causing myself harm by thinking about what I have lost, or how I’m purposefully turning within myself, because any other tangent of thought leads to vengeful anger at what was taken from me. In my cascade of abstract thoughts, my most pleasant and happiest is not really resolved to a specific moment or event. In truth, I can recall the exact moment I was looking at a rock cut on the side of a road and realized the layers were deep time, but it was more of a subconscious back burner thought than a solid moment of understanding. All of this abstraction has a root in that thought. It is an actual place in my mind, a small hillside rock cut on a highway between Cleveland and Chattanooga Tennessee with a limestone formation of very old rock. That abstraction has likely saved my life thus far, and continues to redirect me into my curiosities in moments of profound loneliness, boredom, and a lack of purpose. The only thing I cannot overcome with this thought is the burden I have become for others. Baring the thought of being a burden, my abstract curiosity; wondering about the world; exploring by turning within; is my basis for continuing day to day. I find great value in this abstraction and that makes me happy in the present.
There are resonate standing waves inside the microwave. A microwave works at 2.4 GHz. The wave length of 2.4 GHz is 4.92 inches or just under 12.6 centimeters. This is a sinusoidal wave, so half of that wavelength distance is in the trough and half is in the hump of the waveform. These high frequency photons are bouncing around in a Faraday cage made of metal. Their pattern inside the metal box is fixed. The magnetron is off to one side and emitting the radio light from a fix position. As the waves of light bounce around inside, they tend to align into standing wave patterns. Some of the waves cancel out while others work together to amplify little extra energetic spots.
If part of your food is effectively stationary, like at the turntable center of rotation, there is a chance that a dead spot in the radio light wave pattern will form in that region and will not transfer energy to the food. The more the food is offset, the more it should cross points of radio light. So it is always more effective to offset the dish as much as possible.
No video. It has only happened a few times, but has brightened my morning.
I choose to abstract and never attack anyone, while you insult, and make assumptions about my disposition going as far as assigning them an ideology and framework that seems repugnant and baseless to me. I see and feel lots of projection and bias, but if causing a disabled person in social isolation harm makes you feel better, I’m glad you had a better day. The comments seem so randomly unrelated it feels like you are possibly a misinformation agent of some sort.
I’ve never talked to anyone in a library. Have you? Generally conversations are taboo in my experience. Maybe things have changed since I was able to go to one and relax.
The little shadow tiger has decided she does not like the cold tile floor in the kitchen on her little paw pads in the mornings. So she does this little hoppy move sideways into almost a gallop before the hind legs get into as much of a hurry as the front and nearly send her rolling out of the kitchen into the safe carpet of the living room
Don’t get disabled and have a place like this as your only outlet to connect with other humans. Anonymous and mob like negativity, especially from misunderstandings, can be hurtful when sharing some part of yourself or the only time you’ve said anything to anyone in a day or more from within a prison of loneliness you cannot escape.
Male loneliness is likely partially due to the same reason we are all here; this online outlet for social endorphins is why you were not building up a deficit over the last week and felt the motivation to finally call that person you were thinking about this whole time. That person was a passing thought, and the endorphins hit you might have received is ultimately less than you got from the austere but consistent dose you get from social engagement online.
The only problem is that you are not creating a meaningful personal social network in real life. When you really need such a network in practice, you face the reality of no one to turn to, or less depth and meaning to such connections. Real people are also complex and you must face the reality that no one fits your echo chamber bubble like a place like this. If you act like a down vote or stupid hot take comes across here to people in the real world… you find yourself back here with less options in the future.
Frazer Cain recommended Dr. Stone, an anime series that features the scientific method prominently in a scenario about rebuilding civilization. I haven’t watched it though. I don’t agree to the Netflix terms of service with stalkerware and exploitation.
Any made with super processed flour that extrudes poorly out the human. The textures and flavors of a whole grain pasta are far more versatile and a whole world most seem to never explore. A sprouted grain can hold sauce while adding complexity and texture instead of eating a blank canvas. The additional natural fiber will take longer to digest leaving you sated for far longer and feeling that much better in the days to come.
Make a radio station and broadcast whatever you want.
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It is generally uncouth to tell anyone how to feel regardless of gender. Compel the person to feel through your own words and actions. If you fail to achieve the desired results, change your tact.
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