Gravette, Arkansas, 20 minutes from my house, is a Hezbollah stronghold. Amazing. Who knew.
Gravette, Arkansas, 20 minutes from my house, is a Hezbollah stronghold. Amazing. Who knew.
“Nuking Hurricanes” is way more interesting than “inflation.”
Makes total sense to me.
If it were any other US president it would certainly be newsworthy and incredibly alarming. But old Don, as we all know, is completely full of shit and just says things A.) because he’s a fucking idiot and B.) to distract from what he’s actually up to.
I’m not seeing the downside here.
He also had a drivers license. Basically state sponsored terrorism.
Y’all aren’t gonna believe this but the guy used electricity in various ways while planning the attack.
Trump supporters are gonna get reamed along with the rest of us and spend the whole time convincing themselves that it’s a good thing because at least the Democrats are taking it up the ass.
“Maybe if you tell me the bad news in a good way, it won’t sound so bad.”
Insurance Company: “Claim denied. individual deductible unmet.”
No joke, we spent ~$16k on out of pocket medical expenses in 2024. That was on top of the very pricey employer sponsored insurance plan that I had for most of the year.
Them: “Wow. I can’t believe jubilationtcornpone would do something like that.”
Me: “Yeah, well that makes two of us. And are you seriously trying to tell me you’re JUST NOW hearing about that? You actually missed my compete and total public humiliation? That was like ten years ago.”
Said she taught herself how to swim but it turned out she was actually a witch.
Preach. Some of the worst engineering in the industry over the last 40+ years.
We know. Even if some of us don’t want to admit it.
At some point I need to migrate off Hyper-V. Probably to Proxmox.
Ugh. I don’t wanna.
Fair point.
They were all good films. 4 had a very definitive “end of story, close the book” feel to it. It wrapped everything up nicely. It’s going to be very hard not to ruin it but we’ll see.
I would like to once again thank the motion picture and recording industry associations for their contributions to both the sophistication of media piracy and the quality of content.
Without their efforts, we would probably all still be playing Russian Roulette on Limewire for a low quality copy of Zoolander. The first person to record a movie on Betamax would probably shit themselves if they could have seen what could be accomplished with some arrogance, incompetence, and blind greed. There’s no doubt that you guys are the real MVP when it comes to promoting media piracy.
The anti-piracy industry couldn’t be more Mickey Mouse if it were run by the Marx Brothers.
The whole end times thing is too idiotic, and honestly controversial even among people who believe in such things, to be able to explain it in depth. The key element here is that Evangelicals equate the modern nation-state of Israel with the Israelites from the Bible, despite them having basically nothing to do with one another. They will gleefully defend any and all evil perpetrated by said nation-state of Israel as “acceptable”, despite the heaping mountain of condemnation for such evil throughout the Bible itself.
False. The guy is way too skinny.
Source: Am overweight American.