This is why I don’t believe in butt-chugging.
This is why I don’t believe in butt-chugging.
Conspiracy theorists use a scapegoat or analogue. Example:
Some people just need to not be told what it is and have it pepared to resemble something they’re familiar with. My family wouldn’t try calamari, but when I took them to a place that had it looking like noodles on a buffet, they tried it and liked it.
edit: Also, lots of people actually like anchovies and eat them on Caesar salad and in sauces without realizing.
I’m sure they’re already working this out if it is even a real problem.
Consider journalists have to sensationalize their reports. -It’s their bread and butter.
Medical professionals are mandated reporters. Their job and well being is on the line if they do not report. Blaming them and not the investigating bodies (if they’re even guilty) is ignorant and irresponsible.
I don’t think many mothers want responsibilities for infants when on and coming off the drugs either. Not knowing better while on them might have triggered some protective measures.
It’s good to consider situations before jumping the gun and getting people killed.
Or maybe stop treating it like a religion that needs converts and only appeals to conspiracy theorists in the long run when people realize the lies they were fed about it.
It’s really not a matter of ‘working hard enough’. Financial discipline, learning trades (skills), not being depdendent on a single source of income, avoiding addictions and expensive habits, etc can play a part in financial security.
edit: I don’t know what H-1B is though.