Didn’t even watch Ready Player One the movie because the audiobook was just as cringey, and it was read by Wil Wheaton of all people. I like his work with boardgaming (tabletop), but something about his voice just so well represented the blatant fan service-ness of the whole thing, I hated every minute of it.
As for popular movies that I hated? I don’t feel THAT strongly about it, but I was just kind of meh on Sonic 3. I wasn’t even expecting a masterpiece, but it seems like there’s been enough online hype that made it seem like it was going to be better than expected. It was just whatever. My kids liked it well enough, so I’m probably not the target audience anyways, I’ve played many of the Sonic games, but I’m not nostalgic or a Sonic nerd or anything. It was a sub-par movie with a handful of funny lines.
Epic and GoG I’ve not bought a single thing from either of them, that’s all free shit. For Steam, most of that is stuff that’s been accumulated from Humble Bundles and just from having an account for ~20 years now. If I were to just quit my job and game full-time for the rest of my life, there’s probably more games to play in my collection than I have years left to live.