Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitating it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Was on (dying/dead) and (mysteriously vanished). Now here on

Really hoping he hasn’t brought the jinx with him.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

  • 0 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024


  • DuckDuckGo currently provides free access to four different LLMs. They say they don’t store user conversations, but I’m not sure I trust that, or that that won’t change at some point even if they don’t right now.

    Most of them have the strawberry problem (or some variant where that word is explicitly patched(?)), fail basic arithmetic and apologise repeatedly and often without being able to better themselves when mistakes are pointed out. Standard LLM fare for 2024/5.

  • In the sense of one day you’re there, the other day you’re not, may I suggest not realising that you’re not looking after your mental health, having a total meltdown and finding yourself walking erratically up the road away from the place in a roughly homeward direction, followed by not being OK ever since?

    Actually, no, I take that back. I suggest doing the polar opposite of that. Once that particular Prince Rupert’s drop pops, it’s an impossible task to put it back together again.

    Also, when back looking at it, you’d begin to realise that the warning signs were there all along, so maybe everything wasn’t so sudden, or isekai, as you put it, at all.

    Unrelated: I can’t not hear “he’s a guy” when I hear “isekai”.

  • Male loneliness is as much a symptom of the “suck it up” toxic masculinity that pervades your comment as it is the content of your comment.

    Men are taught to be stoic, to rely only on themselves, to suck it up and get on with it, and for some, they’re trying desperately to conform to something that seems frighteningly easy for others. They’re expending all their energy on that unnatural - for them - attempt to conform rather than being able to simply exist as they might otherwise be.

    Your instinct might be to attack me for pointing this out. That’s toxicity at play. Look at yourself.

    But I haven’t made my main point yet. It’s this same toxicity and trying to “be a man” that turns men into the monsters that women fear, and so it becomes a vicious cycle of negativity breeding loneliness and on and on.

    My advice would be “Do better. And if you can’t do better, do your best. And whatever you do, minimise harm.”

  • Some countries have only banned it on paper. Don’t ask how rich countries in the middle east get their buildings built, for example.

    And then there’s always the loopholes that allow unscrupulous employers to pay employees less than minimum wage. Not quite slavery, but it’s pretty damn close.

    For example: My country has a scheme whereby some unemployed people have been forced to take on work in order to qualify for, get this: their unemployment benefits. The employer won’t then take them on because then they’d have to pay them, and pay them minimum wage to boot, rather than get free workers from the government.

  • Objectively wrong for your part of the world maybe.

    I guess my part of the world probably doesn’t have a word for the distinction because here it can mean either.

    Either that or it’s a case of common parlance versus learned parlance, like, for the sake of any example, when people say “theory” but mean “hypothesis” and in learned parlance “theory” has a different meaning.

  • Right verb or wrong verb, it doesn’t really invalidate the point I was making. If all you do is stand by the barbecue, put things in it and flip the food occasionally while everything else magically happens around you, you’re only doing the fun bit.

    What is the right word for indirect heat cooking anyway? “Smoking” in that context doesn’t necessarily imply making it hot for close-to-immediate consumption, and “cooking” seems far too general.

    Likewise, “barbecuing” could mean grilling, so that’s too general as well.