It’s almost like companies don’t want to pay extra money on every device for a feature the vast majority of consumers would never use… good thing DisplayPort is free, or we’d get neither.
It’s almost like companies don’t want to pay extra money on every device for a feature the vast majority of consumers would never use… good thing DisplayPort is free, or we’d get neither.
Investigators found searches on her phone for how to poison pets, how much bleach is needed to kill an animal, and how to clear search history
Not only is that the exact opposite order those searches should have been made with*, that’s an excellent way to both self-incriminate and demonstrate that she was fully aware that what she was doing was illegal.
*Any sane answer to “how do I hide my search history” is “you can’t, and especially not from law enforcement,” which should have been enough of an answer to stop and think about what you’re doing.
Knowing how useless the cops are when it comes to doing anything that involves them having to voluntarily fill out paperwork, I imagine the legal avenue won’t do much until after OP has been assaulted. Violence is bad, but it’s hard to argue against results…
Yeah, don’t do this… If the guy is a Nice Guy™, offering up fake nudes is just going to feed into their delusion as confirmation of their approach and make them feel even more entitled. And if the nudes end up being a dick pic, they usually end up getting violent and threatening instead of backing off.
As another commenter said: control the data flow to make it impossible for the guy to tell if you ever received his message and document everything. DIY cyber vigilantism doesn’t do anything to deter crazy fucks like him.
No idea, but I can tell you where they will be after President Elmo is done with them: defanged, and run by a one-man skeleton crew whose only job is to sweep the floor every Friday night.
that’s more of a
Blu-RayDRM problem
Fixed that for you, and fuck DRM.
Seven additional words: Apt installing snaps instead of Debian packages
I just need to learn Diet Haskell first…
It’s a movie with 95% dialogue, and he decided to put loud droning music under every conversation so you can barely hear the people talking.
The audio mixing in his movies is genuinely terrible. If you aren’t watching them with subtitles, you’re probably missing half the plot because of background noise.
Neat. The guy’s argument with you has accidentally leaked into another community, with him replying to me and another poster with ad hominem attacks and desires to see us (who never mentioned religion) institutionalized.
In a single one-off program or something that’s already fast enough to not take more than a few seconds—yeah, the time is spent better elsewhere.
I did mention for a compiler, specifically, though. They’re CPU bottlenecked with a huge number of people or CI build agents waiting for it to run, which makes it a good candidate for squeezing extra performance out in places where it doesn’t impact maintainability. 0.02% here, 0.15% there, etc etc, and even a 1% total improvement is still a couple extra seconds of not sitting around and waiting per Jenkins build.
Also keep in mind that adding features or making large changes to a compiler is likely bottlenecked by bureaucracy and committee, so there’s not much else to do.
Not necessarily. It depends on what you’re optimizing, the impact of the optimizations, the code complexity tradeoffs, and what your goal is.
Optimizing many tiny pieces of a compiler by 0.02% each? It adds up.
Optimizing a function called in an O(n2) algorithm by 0.02%? That will be a lot more beneficial than optimizing a function called only once.
Optimizing some high-level function by dropping into hand-written assembly? No. Just no.
Error: undefined reference ‘money’
Have you had the displeasure of knowing QAnon cultists? There’s very little doubt in my mind that they would do anything but delude themselves into thinking that Ding-dong Donald is still alive. I even have the start of a bingo list prepared for what they might claim actually happened: