Does it hold up in 2025?
Does it hold up in 2025?
This is true. No cookie banners, no ads. Hardly ever a problem
This is so weird. Do people realize animals need to eat? Why don’t we eat that food directly? Eating animals makes for less food, not more. Like how 75% of soy is cattle feed, and then vegans get blamed for deforestation for soy beans. It’s ridiculous. Willful ignorance
20 years is a bit short but… Eating animals will be regarded as highly immoral, “but everyone knew those animals suffered, right?”, on the same level as we now judge slavery
I also wouldn’t know what they mean. Fascist takeover sounds like something I would notice?
I’m Dutch. I pronounce the -en at de ends of words, including the n. If you don’t know, that’s like 10% of all Dutch words
I see now. Kinda small argument for such a big claim
Whoa whoa, fascist messaging? Dafuq?
I’m happy for you. I drive an electric scooter to work and my husband by bicycle. We have a car but only for longer trips. I hope car sharing becomes more accessible where I live, because I don’t need to have my own car if I only use it occasionally
Rip Aaron
Klarna is evil