In response to this I would say that the studies here overrely on self report, which is inherently flawed when asking someone to report on a character flaw
I go back the philosophical question: if you beat your partner would you reveal this to an academic who is going to put it on the record?
Some may, but a lot won’t. Inherently flawed.
I agree with you in that it wouldn’t stifled the same way but I still think it would be an inherently flawed measure in determining the true number of cases, which is probably impossible. Going back to my original post even if you allowed anonymous reporting I’m betting a lot of partners would still not speak out due to intimidation and you would probably get some false positives (though admittedly this is probably significantly less of a concern)
Doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing as it would probably get you something closer to an accurate number but the accurate number is likely impossible to measure