Yes, officer, this post right here… ;-)
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Yes, officer, this post right here… ;-)
I’ll be careful.
This is kind of a cheat, as it’s been significantly re-evaluated since its release, so I’m not alone, but IMO Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is a masterpiece - it was HATED when it came out though, and even now I suspect there’s a lot of people who would say the same.
Agree with all of this, other than the prequels, which I really didn’t like.
I heard somewhere that sad tears help remove stress hormones from your body to help you feel better sooner.
This may be pseudo-science nonsense though, I’m not sure.
I wonder if any of the devices (assuming you still have them) might be a route to identifying where and when they were purchased.
The phone’s IMEI number for example, is unique to that specific device - so in theory there ought to be a way to find out exactly who sold it, where, when and ideally to whom.
Not that this is something for you to do yourself, but it could be a line of enquiry for police or (as I suggested in a previous comment) a lawyer.
If financially feasible, OP, I wonder if it would be worth contacting a lawyer? If nothing else they might be able to advise on next steps and/or pressure the police to do something more than nothing at all.
Based on this and the other message you posted, this person sounds pretty unpleasant, and potentially much worse. I hope this gets sorted soon. Be safe.
How would OP stop them getting the new number if OP doesn’t know who they are?
It could be any of the many people who has her current number and would likely be given it again freely when the number was changed.
Not 100% on this, but you might need to include the “https://www/.” part, rather than just the domain. Possibly not, but worth a try.
Conversely, I still sometimes refer to DVDs, Blu Rays and even streaming media as “videos”.
Which is both anachronistic, but also technically correct.
Are you pooh-poohing their poopologist protestation?
If you’re there, any chance you could squish Issun? Annoying wee twerp.
we made literally and figuratively mean the same thing!
Only figuratively though, not literally.
It really was, and I loved every minute of it. Did you also watch Fire Walk With Me in your watch through? Wild stuff, although significantly less fun than much of the show, obviously. Brilliant though.
I watched it for the first time the other day. I didn’t hate it, but it wasn’t at all what I expected, and I’m kind of surprised it has the profile it does. I quite liked the ambiguity of a lot of it though.
Interested to see what responses you get here.
I really liked Rogue One, except for the Vader bit. Really unnecessary fan service, which didn’t fit with the rest of the film IMO.
But what you can do is some sort of trippy shit where the blast goes on for ages, where it ripping things apart is shown in some sort of artistic and novel way, perhaps something emphasising an old world is being torn apart and this is a new nuclear age.
I don’t know if you’ve seen Twin Peaks, Season 3, ep 8, but if not… well, I think you’ll find it matches your description pretty well. Plus there are weird spooky Abraham Lincoln lookalikes covered in soot. And a performance from The Nine Inch Nails.
None of the above is made up.
See also, every zombie movie ever. There’s always someone who got bitten but decided to say nothing until it was too late.
Fwiw, I wasn’t sure about it at all, first time round. Liked it more the second time and every time since.
Possibly, although from their point of view (and going by GD rules), they would wake, kill themselves and then immediately wake again.
So, after a while of trying that, it might make more sense for them to try and make the days feel as long as possible to delay that waking up moment.