I think many more than those listed are being widely used nowadays.
I think is easy to find also Japanese myths (mostly the oni/demon kind) in general and some Chinese-like ones… I found at least in one game (Genshin Impact) an attempt to use also Central American pre-Columbine mythology also and some Polynesian one (even Disney did it). African ones (below sub-Sahara ones) in general are the next less used, together other American pre-Columbine ones. Yet, the vudú-like ones (a mix of African and Caribbean ones) are quite messed up together any zombie-like archetype… and I do not know, but Lovecraft-like ones can be also found often, even not being traditional myths… and I founded many references to Babylonians and early Indo-Iranian myths, specially those linked to demons and witchcraft… and this remind me of references to druid and Keltic-like myths, which somehow permeate (comics-then-Hollywood and other artistic sources have used them). Oh, I also found frequent references to Hindu-like ones. I think the list of commonly used mythologies is already reaaaaaally large.
Mentioned all the above… I am not aware of a rich one not influenced somehow by any of the already mentioned ones, but I am fan of regional paganisms which hide many interesting dark links that predates history.
A light-speed “denaturalization” of the universe should not worry anyone, cannot be a faster cease of existence… indeed it could be taking place on each frame of existence, like in an old ctr screen…