Mr Zuckerberg ought to have a meeting with Mr Lapua
Mr Zuckerberg ought to have a meeting with Mr Lapua
Afaik, the standard orings are exactly the same material as in standard orings. Obviously, you can get stuff made of other materials, but your average black rubber oring isn the same material, no matter where you buy it. And I know for a fact that in the early days of body modification, when people were making their own plugs, they used orings from a hardware store. There weren’t any specialty ones at all.
Now, over the years, there arose more decorative options, which often required a change in materials. Can’t make glowy orings out of the same rubber, you dig? But the typical ones you find on mass produced plugs are ordered from the same places that the hardware store ones get made.
I’m not saying that all plug makers order from the same places, just that when you’re churning out thousands of plugs, you either make your own orings, or you’re ordering them from somewhere. When that somewhere is also mass producing their orings, you are going to end up ordering what they make unless you’re ordering enough to merit them setting up another production line for your needs.
Again, afaik, there isn’t a piercing specific oring maker that’s selling to plug makers. It’s all coming from the same suppliers in China for the most part.
The caveat: been over a decade since I was hanging out with people that were serious about body mods enough to be making their own stuff and ordering supplies in bulk. Shit could have changed since then. I doubt it, but if anyone that’s currently making plugs on a large scale says otherwise, they’d know better than I do.
Thanks :)
It’s genuinely nice to know someone gets something out of it
I’m not sure I can.
Reason being that you have to start paying attention to your arousal stages. I can’t see you, and am not willing to watch a stranger masturbate on cam, so the best I can do is to link to the Wikipedia on Arousal cycles and advise you to go very slowly.
See, a lot of what happens during the plateau segment of arousal is involuntary. Not all of it though. More importantly, you can kinda hijack some involuntary actions of the body by changing semi involuntary activity like breathing. You can’t underestimate how much you can do simply by using breath control
Controlling your breathing influences heart rate, blood pressure, brain waves, digestion, all kinds of things that we can’t just change by thinking about it. But, because we can control our breathing, we can change things indirectly
Then, when you start paying attention to how evert part of the arousal cycles feels, rather than just enjoying it, or trying to get to orgasm as the goal, you start connecting to the things you can control directly as well as being able to apply breathing and meditative techniques to influence the involuntary parts.
Take as an example the spasms of the pelvis that occur during orgasm. Those muscles can be contracted voluntarily. That’s called a kegal exercise. Doing those exercises is one part of the process. As you learn to do that, you also learn what the precursor sensations are. When you’re approaching orgasm, you’ll feel those muscles start to “tingle”, for lack of a better term. It isn’t actual contractions, it’s the muscles getting increased blood flow, and the nervous system priming them.
That signal is just one that you have to not only learn to identify, but learn how to both stop and eventually put on hold. Stopping is easy enough, you just contract them voluntarily. That’s one of the ways people delay ejaculation in the first place. If you’re getting close but your partner isn’t, contracting those muscles and not relaxing them puts a stop to the incipient orgasm for a while. With enough practice, you can delay orgasm and ejaculation almost indefinitely (with caveats, which would be at least three paragraphs and nobody likes reading on screen like this, so I won’t add stress to my fingers doing it lol).
That single step allows you to eventually learn how to identify and control the triggering of the prostate and testicles that leads to ejaculation. Then, you can learn how to disconnect those triggers from the orgasm itself. They aren’t the same thing, but they’re linked via the nervous system.
That link is what allows you to use breath control and meditative techniques to isolate them and hold one or the other back.
Usually, what happens is that you’ll hold off ejaculation and enjoy the orgasm. Sometimes without ejaculating at all. But, you can do it the other way, where you’ll hold off the general orgasm but still have the release of semen. If you look up “ruined orgasm”, you can see that the two aren’t perfectly synced in the first place. Just by ceasing stimulation, it’s possible to ejaculate but miss the burst of pleasure that accompanies orgasm.
Doing it voluntarily, under control means that not only will you ejaculate without orgasm, but you’ll maintain arousal, keep your erection, and be able to keep going without the hypersensitivity that occurs post orgasm (insert when you nut but she ain’t stop meme here). The thing is that unless you’re one of those guys that cam ejaculate and do so again quickly, chances are that you won’t be able to also enjoy another ejaculation with orgasm later. Doing it the other way around, by delaying ejaculation but experiencing orgasm, you end up being able to have multiple orgasms and then still enjoy ejaculation with orgasm as a finale.
Some of the methodology of doing all that is part of tantric sex practices. Indeed, that’s where anyone interested should start looking. It’s the easiest path to learning the sex specific aspects of breath control and body awareness. That’s compared to learning it as a general meditative practice and then applying that to the sex part of things.
It is also much easier to learn all of it while masturbating rather than during sex. Even if you’re having sex with someone that’s practicing their own tantric goals, and is willing to work on yours, there’s a delay between you sensing an event, saying something, them hearing it and then altering their activities. It’s a split second between the sensation and them stopping, but that’s how long a trigger can take. You can go from on the edge of transition into orgasm to orgasm in maybe a quarter second.
Even if you’re receiving oral, and they pull off entirely, there’s still a good second or two before they’re off. With vaginal or anal stimulation, you/they may not be able to withdraw in time, and it is very difficult to stop that orgasm when you still have someone wrapped around your cock, no matter how still they are. It’s still stimulation. Until you get the process down, that stimulation is going to progress the arousal cycles. So masturbation gives your the most ability to totally stop external stimulation in a split second.
Another benefit of all of it, for some people, is what’s called a hands free orgasm. It’s possible to use nothing but muscle control, imagination, and practice to have an orgasm (almost always with ejaculating, it isn’t realistic to separate them when you’re using the same techniques and muscles to get there as you would to separate them) without your genitals being touched by anything but air. I’ve never been able to do that reliably though.
You see what I mean? This stuff isn’t friendly to forum comment communication. It’s not even book friendly because so much of it is internal, and even someone in person is going to struggle to guide you without also participating. Like, you can feel a lot of the events as they occur if you’re touching someone’s genitals. You can feel some of it internally if you’ve got a finger in contact with their prostate. Mind you, I’ve never taught another guy; that’s based on my partners wanting to understand the process when they don’t understand how I can have an orgasm but not ejaculate.
Tangentially, women are surprisingly resistant to the idea sometimes. Some entirely refuse to believe that not only can men separate the two, but that we can have multiple orgasms without ejaculating.
I guess three summary is that you’d have to find books about tantric sex to get started, and combine it with knowledge of the arousal cycle in yourself
Did you know that you can orgasm without the associated spike in heart rate? Takes some practice, but you can even separate ejaculation and orgasm, and still have both.
It’s alllll about how much you’re willing to practice. It comes down to breath control combined with awareness of each stage of arousal and managing the two.
Everything is divisible by 17
Only issue is what the result is ;)
It’s a little bit of both, imo.
The original poem implies that in context.
And, in general usage, it’s done as both of them.
It’s also true that lies snowball and become harder to keep track of. It is also true that inexperienced liars tend to weave over complicated lies thinking that it makes them more believable. So an inexperienced liar is going to start out complicated, ending up with a series of lies that are impossible to keep straight.
You ever spend time around a kid that’s going through that phase of lying about everything, even stuff there’s no need or use in lying? It’s always convoluted and they’ll end up contradicting themselves, sometimes in the same lie.
The poem pretty much shows that idea perfectly. Well, iirc it does, I haven’t read in a long fucking time lol
Me too, but I give it a reach around
No, he was brought back into undeath by a necromancer, solely to entertain his minions
Let the bodies hit the floor.
It’s a great song to beat the fuck out of people to.
Aight, a lot of what goes into keeping your back musket healthy isn’t specifically using the back muscles. I spent years power lifting, and even longer doing general strength training. That still didn’t prepare me for life after a major series of back injuries.
First thing to realize is that your core contributes to a healthy back. So you can’t skip that.
Second thing is that you don’t ever exercise back muscles without stretching first. You have to work that in so that before you ever do any weight based exercise with the back, it’s limbered up and the muscles are “warm”. And that goes for body wbeight, not just lifting.
Third is that you need to adjust your back exercises and your front exercises. You don’t want to get your pecs stronger than your lats and upper back can balance, you dig? Later on, you can worry about increasing strength to different muscles like the pecs and get them bigger. But the first year or two of building your body into a healthy state, don’t go crazy with the front of your body. What happens is that you’ll be doing stuff and your back can’t support the movements properly, leading to injury.
Now, specific exercises. I like the superman a lot for early stages. You’re belly down, arms extended above your head. You then lift your legs and your upper body. Kind of like the inverse of a situp. Hold for a three count, then back down.
Rows are great for the upper back. Bent over rows in specific. Start with low weights. Anything like a can of food is good for beginners.
Side planks are bomb. They also help with keeping things balanced as you aren’t only engaging back muscles. Regular planks are a solid pick as well.
Overhead lifts with light weight, like a can of food. It focuses more on the trapezius, but it’ll also work out everything connected to the shoulders to some degree.
Add in some squats, without weight, to connect it all to your base, and you’ve got it all balanced with “leg day” as well as core day.
Remember, the key to preventing back pain and injury is warming up. Doesn’t matter if you’re doing body weight, power lifts, intensive yoga, martial arts, whatever. You want the back loose and with the blood flowing before you start adding in anything that makes the muscles work hard.
Tbh, you’re better off long term working a variety of areas. If you just work (as an example) peds all your career, you’ll have missed out on a lot, as well as being subject to more limited opportunities if you leave a given hospital/facility.
You get enough time in across a few specialities, you have a better chance of finding an ideal work environment. Plus, lower risk of burnout.
You’re right, it isn’t fair. But if administration has failed to fix the issue, and you’re being treated poorly by coworkers in one unit, switching wards is the only real answer unless you want to leave the hospital entirely.
But, I gotta warn you. The kind of gossipy, drama loaded environment you’re leaving isn’t an exception to the field of nursing. That’s the default. There’s too many opportunities for boredom, and way too many stressors for a group of nurses and related staff to not engage in that kind of mindless bullshit. That’s how even the best end up coping with the realities of the job often enough that it’s often engrained into the culture of nursing no matter where you go.
You gotta make this about you improving your skills, experience, mental health, and keep your eyes on the long term. Forget the other people, forget politics. Do the job, become even better at it, and you’ll eventually find a place that’s right. Or, you’ll decide it isn’t worth it, and either leave nursing nursing entirely or leave facility work.
My homie. That ain’t how psychology works. It just isn’t. No single experiment, study, or set of data can be taken by itself. Nor can it be applied in isolation.
People seem to forget that. They’ll latch onto one part of a given field and think it must apply in all cases, every time. The only fields that approach that degree of certainty and can have pieces work in isolation from the rest of the body of knowledge are physics and math. Even there, nothing is 100% able to be isolated for every use case.
The social sciences have added layers of difficulty because they attempt to ology subjects that are not reliably able to be pinned down at all. Psychology in particular is an ever evolving set of current understanding coupled with current best practices.
“Conventional psychology” would never point to any event and say “this is exactly why that happened”. It can’t because a single specific event is nothing more than one point of data. You have to have the entirety of a person’s experiences and actions to even start pointing at causation, and it won’t apply to the next person with any reliability.
Psychology, as a field, is just the best tool we have to make choices, it isn’t a magic wand.
I still get shocked at having a chicken as a companion sometimes. She’ll hop up and nestle in like that, and it’s just surreal lol.
One is her awake, the other is her when she settled in for a cuddle nap. The background of the sleepy one is colored in because I don’t show pictures of my house, not because there’s a wall of porn or anything.
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah
Nope, it’s an actual chicken. She’s cuddly when she’s in the right mood.
Music, though I’m down with some toons as well :)
Lmao! Nice catch.
It’s is the same material