• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2023


  • If life isnt enjoyable, would disappearing really make a difference?

    I think I wouldn’t mind being dead, as I couldn’t feel anything anyways. But existing and then suddenly not even knowing I don’t exist sounds very scary. When I forget what I was thinking about a few seconds ago, at least I know that I did forget about something. I think the fear stems from the fact that no one can even imagine how death feels like. Sleeping or being in a coma isn’t even close as it feels like a time skip.

  • I try to see the world and everything in it for what it really is. I don’t believe in fate, god, karma, souls, etc. The way I see it, I’m depressed and don’t enjoy life because I’m just a collection of electrical signals/chemical processes inside of my brian. And my brain is fucked. I can’t relate to people who genuinely enjoy life. I get sparks of happyness but spend most of the time being miserable.

    Another personal reasons for why I don’t enjoy life is change. I know that no change = no progress = boredom, but I still despise it. And look at that, literally everything in life changes all the fucking time. Loved ones die, pets die, the tech I love slowly dies out.

    And then there is the looming threat of dying at any moment because I’m a fragile organism that can die even while sleeping. That terrifies me to no end. Just suddenly not existing. And yes I have watched motivational videos advocating for why we shouldn’t fear death. I’m not buying it.

  • I politely disagree. Try to look at Snaps this way: Canonical maintains 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04 and 24.04. Each with their own repos. Each has to be properly maintained. With snap they can release the package a single time, and it can be used across all of their releases. I think this is the main point of snap. Being able to use it across other systemd distros is just a bonus.