but don’t you hate your life or makes it very miserable and tiring?
I mean, expecting everyone to fuck me over would make me angrier I believe, like going to work and constantly ruminate about how every coworker and client is going to ruin my day.
If you are a cynic, how do you don’t ruminate?
or is cynicism more ‘no expectations no disappointments’?
There’s something seriously off about this story, and I can’t help but think you’ve left out some significant details.
not really, but feel free to think what you want.
I’m guessing you cursed out a coworker and not for the first time.
Not what happened.
there’s a difference between cursing the poor work done by a coworker and cursing a person that was there and wasn’t responsible for the dressing.
I don’t understand why you choose not to see the difference.
thank you for this great advice