Ok, its a battery charger. Why is it so big?
Respect the burrito.
Ok, its a battery charger. Why is it so big?
Why did we start building batteries into phones?
I hear ya.
But for example do modern set top boxes, blue ray etc. have DP?
Problem is, very few things output or input DP.
HDMI, for better or worse, seems to be ubiquitous.
I think you’d be limiting yourself.
Maybe rely on community reviews more to check it’s not slop? Assuming they themselves aren’t slop.
I was getting zx spectrum vibes.
Wren and Stimpy?
It was over a decade ago when I last looked, but all the ldap/kerberos stuff put me right off NFSv4.
I’ll take my down votes and go elsewhere!
I didn’t think this post was going to be of interest to a general audience.
Isn’t there a more specialised community where this kind of stuff could be posted?
Yeah, well I bought a light switch…
Sure, that’s what I meant with the nuance missing from the press release.
It depends what/how is being encoded in those 10 bits.
A decision tree was just one example.
Thanks for the link.
Yes thank you. I know how binary works!
I could believe that we take 10 decisions based on pre-learned information per second, but we must be able to ingest new information at a much quicker rate.
I mean: look at an image for a second. Can you only remember 10 things about it?
It’s hard to speculate on such a short and undoubtedly watered down, press summary. You’d have to read the paper to get the full nuance.
You guessed wrong.
It’s a ridiculously expensive and “home made” looking, but it saved my hands from OCD.
Hrm. I have a keyboard that requires an A to A cable and I think it works with the cable any way around…
Might be wrong.
It’s ridiculous!