And then what happened?
That must be really hard for you.
Wow. You don’t deserve that.
How do you feel about it now?
Ugh. That sounds awful.
You’re handling this better than I would.
How do you even respond to that?
Tell me about it.
What can I do to help?
You’ve got this, but I’m here.Edit: I wrote the above to illustrate how many options there are in the parlance of active listening. The formula is simple: imagine how they feel and join their side or, if you can’t yet imagine, ask questions until you can. That’s it.
Thanks, man. I needed that.
This is slowly being replaced by 👍ing or ❤️ing the message. No actual words needed.
All of them, this is a QuickTime event. You have to feel out what they’re looking for. You have to hit the buttons in order and with the right timing
First - that sucks. Show empathy and active listening, see if they have more to say. Let them get it out
Next - you have to decide, are they more upset, or more stressed
Upset - story time, show sympathy. Keep it light on the details, and don’t try to draw comparisons - keep it at the emotional level.
Then advice time - again, keep it brief and vagueStressed - advice, lay out options rapid fire and see if they latch onto any. If they don’t, story time - tell them about similar situations, without drawing emotional comparisons, where you got past it more easily than expected
That sucks. Definitely push the last one. This happened to me one time in band camp
That sucks but this reminds me of…
…and that’s how I became king of the pirates, well anyways you should invest into my NFT cryptoAI trust me bro this gonna go to the moon!