Do you just pronounce it like “Travises” like we do colloquially? Or is there some way to do it.
avoid altogether. [object] belongs to Travis
The singular possessive is pronounced “travises.” It’s spelled Travis’s.
If you think I misspelled that, please review page 1 of Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style. The use of an s after an apostrophe does not depend on the letter preceding the apostrophe. Rather, the lack of an s after an apostrophe denotes a plural possessive.
Whether there’s an s after the apostrophe depends on style guide. Most do recommend using the s, though.
And I am declaring a certain one of those style guides to be correct!
Okay, so, first: It should also be written “Travis’s”.
Only if it is plural do you put the possessive apostrophe last.
I just say it the way it is - ‘Oh that is Travis’ shoe’
I added the apostrophe for writing it, but I don’t say the name any different.