The metaverse hype that surged during the Covid-19 pandemic has largely fizzled out, as Korean tech companies shut down the virtual meetup services they launched during the heyday with an ambition to impact social media and gatherings culture.
*IF* they had pulled it off well we wouldn’t all be here making fun of it. It would have been cool Well… by cool I mean let’s say for argumnets sake they absolutely nailed the virtual hangout, so you got something that felt holographic it was so real. It would be cool to hang out with your friends that way (if being together wasn’t an option) and it would be more bearable than zoom for a work meeting. At least it might have made non-verbal cues flow better and making virtual converstaion less of a ballache. If it had been flawless then it might have galvinised the movement to make working remotely the new default
Unforunately they didn’t pull it off. But it was worth trying is all i’m saying…
*IF* they had pulled it off well we wouldn’t all be here making fun of it. It would have been cool Well… by cool I mean let’s say for argumnets sake they absolutely nailed the virtual hangout, so you got something that felt holographic it was so real. It would be cool to hang out with your friends that way (if being together wasn’t an option) and it would be more bearable than zoom for a work meeting. At least it might have made non-verbal cues flow better and making virtual converstaion less of a ballache. If it had been flawless then it might have galvinised the movement to make working remotely the new default
Unforunately they didn’t pull it off. But it was worth trying is all i’m saying…
Cope. The idea always sucked and made no sense. (Also I just hate Zuck and hope he gets Luigi’d 🙏)
I hope all of these social parasites get Luigi’d, and anyone who doesn’t is enjoying Stockholm syndrome.