I remember when my parents offered to trade me their 32" Phillips-Magnavox for my puny little 27" because they were “trying to downsize”. I felt so fuckin cool playing Max Payne and Fable on my original Xbox.
I bought my first tv when I was around 18. 32" Sanyo Flatscreen CRT. it replaced an old 13" Orion I had been gifted years before.
The color, image, just the quality of that TV was fucking AMAZING. It made every game beautiful. I wish I still had it tbh. I have a basement now that I would love to turn into a retro gaming lounge.
I also had a ViewSonic G225fb for my desktop I got for free from work. dumbasses had no clue it was 1000x better than the standard LCDs they replaced it with. 2k 120hz refresh in 2007-8. couldn’t beat it.
I remember when my parents offered to trade me their 32" Phillips-Magnavox for my puny little 27" because they were “trying to downsize”. I felt so fuckin cool playing Max Payne and Fable on my original Xbox.
I bought my first tv when I was around 18. 32" Sanyo Flatscreen CRT. it replaced an old 13" Orion I had been gifted years before.
The color, image, just the quality of that TV was fucking AMAZING. It made every game beautiful. I wish I still had it tbh. I have a basement now that I would love to turn into a retro gaming lounge.
I also had a ViewSonic G225fb for my desktop I got for free from work. dumbasses had no clue it was 1000x better than the standard LCDs they replaced it with. 2k 120hz refresh in 2007-8. couldn’t beat it.