So, the pool of suspects contains not just everyone who has been denied coverage as well as their friends and family, but also the friends and family of everyone who has ever been terminated by the company.
This all makes me wonder why this company is even allowed to be in business.
All I could read from United Healthcare employees was: it’s too expensive to treat this person, just let him die in agony. Unbelievable the power these companies have over the lives of suffering people.
I can’t help also to think about the pharmaceutical companies, the cost of the treatments seems very inflated for the sake of profit.
Goddammit I need to go look at some pictures of kittens, this is depressing.
So, the pool of suspects contains not just everyone who has been denied coverage as well as their friends and family, but also the friends and family of everyone who has ever been terminated by the company.
This all makes me wonder why this company is even allowed to be in business.
BriberyLobbying andbriberyregulatory capture andpropagandapublic relations.
What an interesting read, thank you for sharing.
All I could read from United Healthcare employees was: it’s too expensive to treat this person, just let him die in agony. Unbelievable the power these companies have over the lives of suffering people.
I can’t help also to think about the pharmaceutical companies, the cost of the treatments seems very inflated for the sake of profit.
Goddammit I need to go look at some pictures of kittens, this is depressing.