I was looking at my playtime for some games and realized I have over 450 hours in PlanetSide 2.
I’ve been wanting to find a new game to sink some hours into so I’m curious what Lemmy plays the most.
For me it’s 7 Days to Die, at 1580 hrs.
I wish I could filter out idle and clicker games. My biggies are Factorio and KSP for non-idle games. Several thousand hours in each.
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3300 hours on Destiny. I love the game, I’ve made long friendships through it, it’s not perfect, but it brings me joy.
That’s steam but the games I’ve put the most time into are:
Minecraft, must be over 10k hours.
Halo 1, 2, 3 and Reach, pretty sure over 10k hours combined.
There’s surely some game I’m forgetting right now, just woke up.
There are also several mobile games I must have put thousands of hours into over the years.
350 hours in FH5
Forza horizon?
I got suckered into playing 800+ hours of GTA Online and paying thousands of SEK for shark cards over a year or two before I realized what a terrible game it is.
I was addicted to it, and paid money every month to buy shark cards.
When my work situation improved however, I took a few steps back and realized that I had wasted a lot of money on it and that I was only chasing the dragon that was just out of reach, kept away from me by carefully crafted mental mechanics of the game.
I was disgusted and refused to participate further.
I uninstalled it right away and have never looked back.
Dota, 9,000+ hours. I don’t play it anymore though, toxic af
I now mostly play Path of Exile and World of Warships
4000+ hours in (edit a strategy game) as I used to be the top streamer until the publishing company fucked me around. 3500+ in Diablo 3 as I was able to Leaderboard with a solo Monk… LB’ed and didn’t earn any XP in groups… all solo!
Rimworld, way too much Rimworld. A big part of it is that I’ll often have it one a second computer during the workday just on pause to pop in during downtime but I guess that still counts as playtime just being loaded.
Ive got 2.2k hours in RimWorld and I’ve only ever tried to launch a spaceship once(spoiler I died).
Such a good game, such good modding scene.
I’ve tried the game a few times and it doesn’t click with me. What’s is it that you find so appealing?
Emergent gameplay is what appeals to me
I like that each pawn builds up a personality overtime and grows as a character. I pretty much just play Rimworld as a doll house simulator
I feel this way about XCOM. I’ll give this a shot.
When someone does a heroic move I elevate them to hero status in the colony and they get a better bedroom, better armour and the best weapon.
Dangit you’re making me want to play. Can you build an army with laser guns?
Look for the “vanilla expanded” mods.
It is a dedicated and organized team of modders that has output a stunning amount of content, all of it cohesive, and what many would consider required “base game” content.
They have literally put out dozens of mods that could be standalone DLC, all for free.
Solitaire 2: Collectors Edition. 175k hours
lol not even 25 years in the game, what a noob
About 4.5k for dota haven’t played in years. I’ll never play another game that much again and I’ll probably never play dota again.
Dota (and mostly every multiplayer competitive) is very addictive on make you think you are learning something new while you are just trying to solve the new patch.
They send BABIES to fight me!
Same, my most played game ever. I find it funny, at least to me, a game from 2007 thats barely supported by the dev is significantly better than the other modern derivatives of tf2 like overwatch and marvel bandwaggon money maker.
I’ll tell you what it is. Freedom.
We can make servers, host servers, have our own communities and set our own rules. Hell, I haven’t played a Valve server in five years.
Overwatch isn’t a matter of better or worse. It fails to do, at base value, what I value TF2 for, freedom.
Add however many neat little gameplay mechanics you want, if I can’t play the game the way I want to, I’m not going to get into it or care.
A nontrivial amount of my gaming time was reset by steam around 2010… IDK why, but there are games on my steam account that I know I’ve sunk over 100 hours into that show zero hours.
Right now, one of my highest is satisfactory, sitting around 1500+ hours.
Yeah, I used to play 1.6 and source. Then my family and job life had me quit playing for a few years. When I came back it said 1.6 hours for both. Cannot say when it happened though.
Never got into GO, but I was probably just too old to compete at that point.
Yeah, I have a ton of time into HL/HL2/CS:GO/Audiosurf/PvZ
Pretty much all of that was lost.
I did a quick Google search and according to some commenters on websites, the great reset was around 2010.
I’ve been on steam since the early days, I think I installed it around the time that blue shift came out? I forget. But back then, if you had any HL2 title, and you put that into steam, you would get what is now known as “the orange box” (more or less). So, yeah, I got a bunch of valve games basically free and I’ve only expanded that collection.
Recently I’ve tapered my spending on games because life/work/family doesn’t allow me a lot of time to play. Which is probably why I like satisfactory so much. If I get an hour, I can build my factory, save it half complete and go back and continue building later.
The biggest thing that I feel like SF has going for it, is that they give you all the tools, tell you the objectives and let you figure everything else out. You have 100% control over how you accomplish the task at hand. You can save/quit anytime you would like, and there’s no demands to get things done in a particular timeframe.
You can save halfway through a build, and you’ll come right back to where you left off. Most games now-a-days are match based, once you’re in a match, you feel obligated to finish the match, and there’s seasons or limited time objectives that you must play a minimum amount in order to even have a chance of getting… There’s just so much pressure, micro-transactions, and effort required.
Rocket League 4,485 hours
You’re me.