I would continue Luigi’s legacy by trying to fit as many names of c-suite personnel of evil corporations on it, font size 1.
I would continue Luigi’s legacy by trying to fit as many names of c-suite personnel of evil corporations on it, font size 1.
Almost any and all “tracking information” is fictitious. Many, many companies use estimates and present those as facts. Some are a lot more egregious about it than others. In my neck of the woods, I’ve noticed that PostNL’s tracking info is often made up whole cloth, telling you your package will be with you tomorrow while it hasn’t even entered the country yet, much less cleared customs.
We still have their genes, so we’ve got that going for us…
People are too hung up about anonimity on the internet. When one of my country’s worst journalistic shitrags mandated a real name policy due to the rampant racism and other -isms in the comment section of their articles… nothing changed. People are happily spewing the same vile rethoric as before and proud to, instead of being shamed into silence.
It’s tragedy of the commons on a supermassive scale. No one comes out on top in the end, the overprivileged just take a little longer to die. But die they will.