Ok, I am not supporting bestiality here. But, I just came to know about a Dogxim, a dog fox hybrid and I had known for a long time that horses and donkeys can breed (to produce a mule). So, I was just curious, can humans breed with any other animals closely related to us?
Tinder not working out as expected?
Homo sapiens are the last remaining species of hominina. Our closest remaining relatives, the Pan (chimpanzees and bonobos) diverged at least 6.5 million years ago. Though there is some evidence early hominina may have interbred with pan after the divergence as recently as 4 mya.
This is more recent than dogs and foxes by a long way, and about the same as donkeys and horses. That, plus chromosomal analysis and some other research suggests it could be possible for a human and chimp or bonobo to interbreed, though likely not create fertile offspring. However, there has never been a confirmed case of this occurring, despite multiple claims.
Edit: useful articles:
No, not since Neanderthals, Denisovians and friends went extinct.
Even Neanderthals are a bit of a partial case, since the hybrid males were mostly sterile. We know this from the pattern that Neanderthal genes appear in modern DNA.
Where can one read more on the second paragraph?
Uhh, I think there was a Nature article about it. Per the Wikipedia, basically there’s just stretches of the X chromosome that are deserts of Neanderthal DNA, because when a Neanderthal allele is present and there isn’t a second copy, it’s a reproductive dead end and selected out.
Oh, here.
Breed with? No, not since we out-bred and out-competed Neandertals. And Denisovans. And at least one other ancestral human subspecies in sub-Saharan Africa. So at least 3 ancient homo sapiens subspecies that we used to interbreed with, but none left now.
You will be assimilated… with fucking.
We still have their genes, so we’ve got that going for us…
I’m fairly sure I got more Naendrathal genes than human. I have so much hair, it counts as fur :/