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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • I think you’re correct that (some / many) people see the tiniest chink in your armour and go for the juggler (jugular vein - clown 🤡 joke) to compound your misery to make themselves feel/look “strong”.

    And, yes, in abusive relationships I believe a husband is more likely to hurt and damage his wife with his fists whereas a wife would be more likely to hurt and damage her husband with words - generally speaking. It’s tragic either way…

  • I’ve thought about this a lot myself. I’m 12-15 friends/acquaintances down due to them deciding to step out of life in their twenties or thirties. On paper none of them seemed to be in too bad a way and yet…

    There’s obviously the problem that having and discussing emotions is for girls and gays only (/s), but there must be more to it than that.

    I think there’s an expectation (where I live) that men should be strong and stoic at all times - but, honestly, many of us are fragile little flowers, some of the time, but it’s seen (erroneously) as weakness.

    In my experience most men are happy to talk about: “big screen tv’s, blunts, 40’s and bitches” to NSFW quote

    Steve Berman

    but they can’t open up about emotions and feelings.

  • “… Harris isn’t left enough so they’re going to go with the orange fascist instead.” The level of political illiteracy needed to create that line of thought is staggering. “ My right-of-centre candidate isn’t as socialist as I’d like so I’ll vote for the candidate who is massively and dangerously further to the right of her.” What the actual fuck? It’s people like that who make me question the value of democracy.