Gdamn, had a recent talk about it…my sister remembers! It’s so good when you do have someone to play it with as a child…
Gdamn, had a recent talk about it…my sister remembers! It’s so good when you do have someone to play it with as a child…
It’s not bad at all so far.
When I got my first actual Job shortly after my 27th bday EDIT: 2022 December. And was convinced I would turn the company around with my hard work.
Well, I sure left an impression, but it broke me, as I realized now that I had a job, how much I lost before I got there, and that money won’t fix that. I started getting worse at my job as a result.
The poor mental health also lead to some poor choice of words on Reddit that got me several suicide care bot messages and a permanent suspension.
I’m fairly sure I got more Naendrathal genes than human. I have so much hair, it counts as fur :/
It’s why we should regulate them into the ground, and give them 0 trust. Get rid of lobbying, screw profit, the economic damage from all the scams, suffering, and death in the long-term is more than enough to make any gain in profit meaningless.