For those who don’t know, a Monkey Paw Wish is when you get your wish granted, but in an unexpected usually negative way.
- I wish human caused global warming would stop.
- It does, but because WW3 leads to Nuclear Winter.
The question here though, is what wish would you be willing to take even though it’ll get monkey paw’d?
So basically you don’t care if the consequences, or would be willing to take the sacrifice for it.
Others can come up with the negative scenarios if they want and the original wisher can decide if it’s still worth it
I meet a beautiful intelligent woman, we are the perfect match for each other, we fall in love, get married and live happily ever after.
Missing specifier. You each fall in love with other people.
Missing specifier. You each marry neither your perfect matches nor the other people you each fell in love with.
Mental illness can provide happiness. This seems almost good, and yet…
Insufficiently specific. You both die in the same mass road accident, travelling in separate vehicles with your respective spouses, not long after you’re each married.