How? How is that person a tankie by posting this meme?
mabye shared username with .ml account
in ghat case probably. yes
Tankie is when you’re to the left of Adolf Hitler and it’s barely even an exaggeration anymore
If you are the left hand of Hitler you’re not a tankie, you’re much worse.
That’s not what the term ‘to the left’ means
Judging from your profile page, you’re doing some real hard projection right now
Who has the least ethical job at Lockheed?
My money is on the salesman, “this bad boy can kill so many children”
By shifting what you sell to “this bad boy can disperse your targeted package across an area x by y in z time frame” instead of “we can turn the entire school to rubble” you help them sleep at night.
brah. You will merely break many peoples bodies with explosives in the name of capitalism, corruption and colonization.
At my job I corrupt entire countries full of children, starting at an early age. I run user bucket targetting experiments on them to get them to spend more and steer them to befriend “friends” I select for them to optimize some pennies for our network edge performance. The measurements and manipulation of their vulnerabilities never stops. I take high resolution scans of their faces that we can use for the rest of their life to identify them anywhere–all so they can change their face to be an animated fox face, or stuff like that. I hope authoritarians never get ahold of this info because that could be bad for these consumers/kids, but hopes and prayers are not exactly my job. We never delete their info because parents click through the terms of service to shut their kids up. We say we educate kids to learn to program but inside the company that concept is spoken of mockingly.
I measure and steer their temperament and engagement with new games that are open to their worst impulses, and keep them on the treadmill. I transcribe and save literally every single word they utter. I analyze those spoken words for sentiment, and to build an ongoing model of which bucket they belong in to maximize their spending. The loaner? the helper? the team player? authority truster? authority abuser? rule driven, rule antidriven? I have loot, friends, new games, and contrived self serving “bugs” for all of them to find and think they are exploiting the games without my knowing.
I teach them to get addicted to loot boxes and I arbitrage endorphin hits between their peers and from the game. I give them their entire range of their lifes highs and lows. The best and worst times of their short lives are things I hand out. The later at night it is, or the longer their session, the more loot I give them to keep them playing. Like an IV drip of drug where sometimes you need to squeeze the bag to push more through to feel that hit strongly even when exhausted, and get them to defy their parents’ calls for them to sleep.
You think darkness is your issue. But you merely adopted the dark for a paycheck; I was born into it right out of school, moulded by it. I didn’t see socially useful internet services till I was an old man, by then it was nothing to me but a different way to drive engagement and raise the value on my rsus. My legacy will be a path of human wreckage and misery, same as yours only much bigger.
You terrible terrible person. Do you still do this?
No, I moved on. The money was amazing though.
The four horsemen of selling out:
Big Pharma
Big Oil
The military-industrial complex
Surveillance tech companies
I never would. And never have.
Everybody has their price.
Sure, my price is making enough money on my first day there to solve world hunger.
Even Lockheed Martin looks down on Boeing.
Wait… Lockheed martin kills people on Purpose
Boing makes the Apache, B52 which have killed a hell of a lot of people. Cough enola gays B29 cough.
Boeing definitely has killed far more than Lockheed Martin aircraft on purpose
Honestly I wouldn’t give the credit from nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Boeing, b29s were barely assisting on delivering the real deal
The firebombings, dingus.
Currently have a contractor offer from NASA I’m probably going to turn down for a mom and pop electrical repair company lmao
Doesn’t take much to be principled.
On the one hand I agree with you, it’s not hard. On the other hand if everyone had principles, it might be hard to find a job.